Mastering Reported Speech and Key Vocabulary for Advanced English Learners


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell:

  1. Paul told me to take an umbrella because it had started to rain outside.
  2. Mum didn’t say we had done a good job tidying the house, but I thought we had.
  3. My sister is always very honest and she says my new dress doesn’t suit me.
  4. Lucy’s boss told her that she appreciated all her hard work.

2. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences:

  1. Ana suggested that we go out for dinner tonight, instead of cooking at home.
  2. The teacher asked us how much longer we needed to finish the exercise.
  3. John recommended going to Madrid for a weekend break.
  4. Hannah warned us about leaving meat out of the fridge in hot weather.

3. Read what Jack said. Then complete the sentences using reported speech:

  1. Jack said that the week before, he had attended a demonstration.
  2. He told me the demonstration was against racism.
  3. He said that he had always believed in racial equality.
  4. He also said that he would be happy if their protest made even a little difference.

4. Rewrite the questions using reported speech. Be careful with pronouns and time and place expressions.

  1. ‘Are you staying here today?’ Jane asked me if I was staying there that day.
  2. ‘Why have you decided to end our relationship now?’ Alex asked his girlfriend why she had decided to end their relationship then.
  3. ‘Are you coming to the gym with me tomorrow?’ Matt asked Alice if she was coming to the gym with him the next day.
  4. ‘Did you visit your grandparents last night?’ Jo asked us if we had visited our grandparents the previous night.

1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box:

  1. The policeman ordered the man to stop and put his hands in the air.
  2. Mum reminded me to call her as soon as I landed.
  3. Dina advised me not to book that photographer for my wedding photos.
  4. Ollie warned me that I’d burn my mouth if I ate that chili because it’s really hot.

2. Read what Leo said. Then complete the sentences using reported speech:

  • Leo said that the month before, he had taken part in a demonstration.
  • He told me that divorced fathers were involved in the protest.
  • He said that he had always believed in parents having equal rights in parenting their children.
  • He also said that he would be happy if their protest helped fathers.

3. Rewrite the questions or sentences using reported speech. Be careful with pronouns and time and place expressions.

  1. ‘Will you be using the car this evening?’ Zara asked me if I would be using the car that evening.
  2. ‘I’ll be ready to make a commitment to you next year,’ Jack explained to his girlfriend that he would be ready to make a commitment to her the next year.
  3. ‘Were you able to keep your cool yesterday when you met the friend who’d lied to you?’ Mike asked Anna if she had been able to keep her cool the previous day when she met the friend who had lied to her.
  4. ‘Did you come up with any good ideas for the party next week?’ Jenny asked Peter if he had come up with any good ideas for the party the following week.

4. Complete each gap in the text with one suitable word:

Yesterday I caught up with my friend Helen…(así empieza el texto) 1. told 2. had 3. the 4. was

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means… (SOLO RESPUESTAS)

  1. My best friend Luke is there for me through thick and thin.
  2. When Cara heard she’d been accepted to study medicine, she was over the moon.
  3. Julie said she didn’t go to the party as she was in the dumps.
  4. I borrowed my sister’s jacket without asking and now she’s furious with me, and I’m in the doghouse.


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Use the noun, adjective or adverb form. There are two extra words you do not need to use.

  1. I thought it was very ungrateful of Maria to throw the flowers she’d been given into the bin, and she didn’t even say thanks.
  2. The employee dishonestly claimed that he hadn’t stolen any money from the company bank account, but he had.
  3. After years of arguing, there was a great deal of distrust between the two political parties – neither believed what the other said.
  4. We need a lot more kindness in the world – it’s a good feeling to care for other people.

2. Complete the text with a phrase from the box in the correct form. There are two extra phrases you do not need to use.

I first met Ben at a work conference (asi empieza el texto) 1. have lots in common 2. ended up dating 3. put up with 4. broke up with

3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the words given.

  1. Do you believe that you can fall in love with someone the first time you see them? (sight) Do you believe in love at first sight?
  2. Everyone needs a best friend who’ll be there for them during the good times and bad. (thin) Everyone needs a best friend who’ll be there for them through thick and thin.
  3. I worked really hard yesterday so I’m looking forward to having some time to myself today. (me) I’m looking forward to some me time, as I worked really hard yesterday.
  4. It’s probably best if I don’t join you for dinner this evening as I think I might be getting sick. (weather) It’s probably best if I don’t join you for dinner this evening because I think I might be coming down with something.

4. Correct one error in each sentence. (YA CORREGIDAS)

  1. Lauren’s behavior when her boyfriend ended their relationship was very undignified – she started throwing things at him and screaming.
  2. It’s best not to have any discrimination against people before actually meeting them.
  3. Sometimes it’s hard to believe in people’s inhumanity towards our fellow human beings.
  4. I had no idea that the children were so disrespectful to their parents.

1. Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box in the correct form. There are two extra words or phrases you do not need to use.

ASI EMPIEZA EL TEXTO I first met Maria on the train… 1. ask her out 2. got on well 3. have lots in common 4. get over

2. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. (3 options)

  1. Sarah laughed unkindly when the ice skater fell over and twisted her ankle.
  2. Nowadays there is a lot of mistrust of the police among certain communities.
  3. One of the reasons people love dogs as pets is because of their loyalty to their owners.
  4. Hannah behaved in a very undignified way when she heard that she was going to be fired – she called her boss some bad names!

3. Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences.

  1. Zoe was late for work again today and her boss said he’s not going to put up with this anymore.
  2. The teacher told the principal that the students had come up with some really good ideas for improving their school.
  3. I don’t fancy doing anything this weekend – I think I’m just going to stay at home and chill out with my family.
  4. ‘If you have some free time next week, I’d love to meet up with you and go for a coffee,’ said Jane.